Meet Our Wonderful Team

Everyone plays a part here at the SSIP Food Closet to achieve our overarching mission of feeding Sacramento.

SSIP Board of Directors

(L to R) Susan Just (Bethany Presbyterian rep), Henry Sepulveda (St Anthony Parish rep), Deb Kanner (Treasurer), Mark Hanzlik (Vice-Chair), Shigeko Shibata (Chair, Sacramento Japanese UMC rep), Tom Busch (Faith Presbyterian rep), Lois Van Beers (Parkview Presbyterian alternate), Madi Elsea (Centennial UMC rep), Kathy Anderson (Secretary), John Sugar (Parkside Community UCC rep)

Simon Yeh

Brian Moese

Lindsey Reefer

Will Neville

Javonne Randle

Our Staff

The five staff members along with a dozen volunteers work collectively every day to serve to food insecure families in Sacramento. Simon Yeh, Executive Director and Will Neville, Operations Manager, along with part-time staff, Brian Moese and Javonne Randle, manage the enormous flow of food in and out of the food closet. Lyndsey, our bookkeeper, helps the Treasurer maintain the financial books.