Full Plates, Full Hearts Gala 2022

Our second annual Full Plates, Full Hearts event on March 9, 2022 was a virtual gala in support of the SSIP Food Closet. While the event itself is over, you can watch the recording below if you missed it. And donations are still welcome!

FPFH Live Event

Full Plates, Full Hearts was our biggest fundraiser of the year. In the recording of the March 9 event, we heard from clients, agency partners, and volunteers, and viewed images of grocery partners and business sponsors and heard about the good work that occurs 5-days a week at SSIP Food Closet. The highlight of the evening was the original music written for the event and performed by the Worship Band at Faith Presbyterian Church in Sacramento. We invite you to view our event below.


This Year’s Sponsors


What a Miraculous Year!


SSIP in the Local News!