What a Miraculous Year!
Volunteers provide more than 90% of the effort required to accomplish the SSIP Food Closet mission. Without our volunteers, small dedicated staff, church partners, donors, grocery store partners and business sponsors, we would not even exist. YOU have enabled us to continue our mission and feed more clients than ever before in our 50+ year history. Because of you, miracles occur on a daily basis for our clients. Your love and devotion allow SSIP to serve the food-insecure folks who depend on us. The need continues to grow, and we are grateful to be able to feed more than 100 families daily. In October we aided close to 3,000 households. I want to especially thank the staff — Simon, Brian and Javonne — for their excellent work throughout the year. I am grateful for the Executive Board’s leadership in all the important decisions made to assure the organization works well and thrives: Pat, Kathy, Margaret, Tom, Wally, Jim, Jan and Shigeko. Thank you all for your commitment to the Food Closet.
— Loretta Fransham, Board Vice Chair